Friday, February 10, 2017

 There are many things that will begin to change with Donald Trump as our President and one of those changes has already begun; all undocumented immigrants convicted of a criminal offense will be the first of the undocumented citizens to get deported. A woman by the name of Guadalupe Garcia de Rayos who has been living in the U.S. for over 2 decades was convicted of a crime in 2009 and now seven years later she has been ripped away from her family because of her crime. Guadalupe has created a life here, "The Land of The Free", and now her freedom is lost. Who knows when she will see her family again? I don't know... and I don't think many people know either. Deportations like this are already happening and they will continue to happen. This article is necessary to read because America (Trump) is tearing family's apart, not just convicted felons; people.

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